Taliban Says UN Discussion On Afghanistan Domestic Issues Not Acceptable – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live – Afghanistan: Taliban bluntly told UN, said

Taliban says UN discussion on Afghanistan domestic issues not acceptable

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid
– Photo: ANI


After the United Nations (UN) expressed concern over the status of Afghan women, the Taliban spokesperson gave a strong message ahead of the Doha meeting. Taliban spokesperson Zabihullah Mujahid bluntly said that Afghanistan’s domestic issues are in no way the UN’s, these issues should not be discussed.

According to Mujahid, the Taliban has invited other countries to negotiate with Afghanistan in the third meeting of the Doha summit to be held from June 30 to July 1. The Taliban spokesperson said that our participation in this meeting is not against any party. We have engagement with all parties, which should be better understood and used. Mujahid said that he is participating in this conference with some conditions. However, Mujahid did not elaborate on these conditions.

Mujahid also commented on the participation of women in the country. Said, the issue of women’s participation in the meeting was that no one other than the Islamic Emirate can represent Afghanistan, because if Afghans appear in external meetings through many channels it means that we are still scattered. Therefore, whatever we do inside the country should be among ourselves and outside we should be united as one Afghan.

Earlier, the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) has expressed deep concern over the exclusion of women and girls from the meeting being held under the auspices of the UN on the future of Afghanistan. A two-day meeting of special envoys for Afghanistan will be held in Doha, the capital of Qatar this weekend.

Afghan women are fighting for their rights

The UN Committee on CEDAW lamented that Afghan women are currently facing the most challenging crisis for their rights in the world. In view of this, they have urged for active and direct inclusion of women in this meeting.

The condition of women is getting worse

The Committee has repeatedly expressed concern over the deteriorating situation for women and girls in Afghanistan, which is causing irreparable harm to current and future generations.

Keeping women and girls away from the discussion will affect credibility

The UN committee said that this is a planned and harmful act to disempower them. At the same time, other members of the committee said that failure to include Afghan civil society, including women human rights activists, in the Doha discussions would not allow effective discussions on the rights of women and girls. They warned that keeping women and girls away from these discussions would affect the credibility of the meeting to be held in Doha.

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