Swedish Researchers Says Diy Kit Test Reveals The Risk Of Heart Attack In Few Minutes – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live


Heart attacks kill millions of people every year around the world. Since the Corona pandemic, the risk is seen increasing even among younger people. Health experts say that people who already have heart problems, high blood pressure or high cholesterol may have a higher risk of heart attack. This is an emergency situation in which the patient needs immediate medical attention.

Heart attack is a sudden problem, to prevent this it is important to keep blood pressure and cholesterol under control along with taking continuous care of heart health.

Is there any way to know in advance whether you are at risk of a heart attack or not? In a study related to this, Swedish experts have given a big relief. According to the Swedish study, a new home test can detect the risk of a possible heart attack in just five minutes. Experts say that it is quite accurate and with its help, millions of lives can be saved every year.

heart attack detection test

Scientists said that this is an artificial intelligence based kit (DIY test kit) with a questionnaire set that can identify people at risk of heart attack with the same accuracy as a doctor’s examination. According to research, this test can be helpful in detecting the risks of heart attack with the same accuracy as blood test and blood pressure.

Journal of the American Heart Association The study published in 2013 used data from 25,000 people aged 50-64. “Our test helped to easily identify coronary atherosclerosis and the risk of heart disease in about two-thirds of people,” says Goran Bergström, professor at the University of Gothenburg and study lead.

You can find out through DIY test

Heart attacks often occur suddenly, the researchers write. Many people who have heart attacks are also healthy and asymptomatic, but tests reveal that they have fatty deposits in their coronary arteries, known as atherosclerosis. The test, called DIY, consists of 14 questions about your age, gender, weight, belly fat, whether you smoke, blood pressure levels, family history of heart disease, blood fats, and blood sugar.

AI-based algorithms are used

Experts said that this AI-based algorithm is based on responses that can detect the risk of heart attack in high-risk people by assessing the answers to all the questions. If we can make these test kits widely available to people, then it can prove helpful in identifying those at risk of heart attack and saving their lives.

We are soon going to test it in the United States as well to evaluate how the test works on different groups, says Professor Bergström.

Test kits will be available soon

The team of experts said that we will start making the DIY kit available in some places by the end of this month, which will first be available to local doctors. The kit, apart from giving accurate readings of heart attack risks, will also give readings of patients’ cholesterol, estimate their heart age and also calculate body mass index score.

People between the ages of 40-75 who are currently taking blood pressure medication can get the test done for free from their doctor. PocDoc, the maker of the kit, says that taking the test and getting the results can all be done in under nine minutes.


Sources and references

Home test reveals the risk of heart attack in five minutes

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