Swarm of spiders on Mars What is the truth of this picture of ESA know

Mars But sometimes such strange things are seen which arouse curiosity among scientists and common people. The European Space Agency (ESA) recently showed a picture of Mars, in which something like a group of spiders is seen crawling on its surface. According to NDTV report, ESA’s Mars Express spacecraft captured this thing on camera near a structure named Inca City. One press release In 2015, ESA wrote that it had traced traces of spiders scattered in the southern polar region of Mars.

Although these are not spiders at all. When Fortunate If there is no life on the planet, then where will the spiders come from? According to ESA, these are small and dark-colored features that form when sunlight falls on carbon dioxide that accumulates during the winter months.

According to the report, sunlight turns icy carbon dioxide into gas. During this, snow up to three feet thick bursts with an explosion and settles on the surface along with the dust, forming spots.

These black spots may appear small to you in the picture, but in reality their size is big. The smallest spots can be 145 feet across and the largest can be half a mile.

According to another report, this spider-like pattern was also seen in the year 2020. Then it was captured by ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter. That spacecraft, launched in 2016, is searching for signs of life on Mars. Mars has always been a cause of curiosity for scientists. He has been believing that there used to be life on Mars which was later destroyed.

Regarding the recent picture, ESA has said that it is not aware of the construction of this area. It is estimated that there once used to be sandy dunes here, which later turned into stones.

ESA’s Mars Express orbiter reached the area of ​​the Red Planet in 2003. It has been orbiting Mars for many years. This orbiter prepared the map of Mars. Gathered information about the history of water on its surface. Did many other things.

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