Start this business for just 5 thousand rupees, earn lakhs every month…!


New Delhi: Are you also planning to start a business…? Then you can earn a lot of money through mushroom farming. Today we tell you about Vikas of Solan, who started mushroom farming by investing only 5 thousand rupees and today he is earning lakhs of rupees every month. Let us tell you how you can also earn a lot of money by starting this business in your room at home.

3 tons of mushrooms are being grown every day
Vikas from Solan said that he started this business on a small scale and recently started a new business farm. Here we are growing 3 tons of mushrooms every day. No special training is required for this business.

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Business started with 5 thousand rupees
Vikas of Solan started the mushroom farming business in the year 1990. He started the business with an investment of just 5 thousand rupees and today in the year 2020, he is earning lakhs of rupees every month.

You can start this business in your room
You can start this business in a single room. For this, you have to maintain some climatic conditions like temperature, humidity and carbon dioxide have to be managed.

Mushrooms grow in 20 to 25 days
You will easily find this compost in the market. Apart from this, you can also buy readymade compost in packets. You have to keep these packets in the shade or in a room. After this, mushrooms start growing in it within 20 to 25 days.

Method for making compost
To make compost, paddy straw has to be soaked and after a day, DAP, urea, potash, wheat bran, gypsum and carbofuran are added to it and it is left to rot. After about one and a half months, the compost is ready. Now, after mixing cow dung and soil in equal amounts, a one and a half inch thick layer is spread and a two-three inch thick layer of compost is placed on it. To maintain moisture in it, mushrooms are sprayed with a spray two to three times a day. A one-two inch layer of compost is placed on top of it. And in this way, mushroom production begins.

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Take training in mushroom cultivation
Training for mushroom cultivation is given in all agricultural universities and agricultural research centers. If you are planning to cultivate it on a large scale, it would be better to get proper training once. If we talk about space, then 10 kg of mushrooms can be easily produced per square meter. Mushrooms can be grown by making three-foot wide racks in a space of at least 40×30 feet.

Tags: Earn money