Sri Lanka President Ranil Wickremesinghe said on proposal of establish bridge with India in final stage S Jaishankar visit Colombo

India-Sri Lanka Relation : The history of India and Sri Lanka is very old. Now there is a plan to connect the two countries by land. A bridge will be built in the sea for this. Sri Lankan President Ranil Wickremesinghe has confirmed this. He said that the survey regarding the proposed land link between India and Sri Lanka is in the final stage. The Sri Lankan President took stock of the development work in the north-eastern district of Mannar and said that the first phase of studying the possibilities of the plan has been completed and the last phase will also be completed soon. On Saturday, the Sri Lankan Foreign Ministry said that India’s Foreign Minister S Jaishankar will visit Colombo on June 20. However, no formal announcement has been made by India yet.

The proposal was decided after discussion with PM Modi
If this visit of the Foreign Minister is confirmed, then this will be his first visit after the formation of the new government. During this, the proposal to connect the two countries by road and the possibility of power grid connection will be discussed. Let us tell you that during his visit to India in July 2023, Wickremesinghe had met the Prime Minister Narendra Modi During this, there was a discussion on the development of the bridge between the two countries. At that time, the central government had said that the proposal for land connectivity was given by Sri Lanka.

Ram Setu was built during the Ramayana period
According to the Deccan Herald, the proposal includes creating land connectivity from India to Sri Lanka’s Trincomalee and Colombo ports. If a bridge is built between India and Sri Lanka, it will be the first time since the Ramayana period. The religious text Ramayana describes that Lord Rama built a bridge over the sea to go to Sri Lanka, which is known as Ram Setu. At the same time, there is news in the Sri Lankan media that the controversial issue of Indians fishing illegally in Sri Lankan waters will also be raised, which also includes bottom trawling. The Palk Strait is a narrow strip of water separating Tamil Nadu from Sri Lanka, which is a rich fishing area for fishermen of both countries. Here fishermen of both countries are often arrested for inadvertently entering each other’s waters. This issue is quite controversial, so it is also to be discussed.

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