Solar Storm Alert Explosion in the Sun again Earth may experienced aurora radio blackouts

: Solar storms have troubled the Earth! Sunspots formed in the Sun are constantly exploding and solar flares are coming out of them one after the other. Due to this, solar storms are showing their effect on the Earth, the most prominent example of which is the aurora seen in European countries and the temporary radio blackout. US Space Agency NASA The IOC has issued a warning of another solar storm. Due to this, auroras may be seen on Earth once again and radio blackouts may occur.

According to the report, a solar storm erupted from sunspot AR3664 on May 27. It is of X2.8 class, which is considered to be the most powerful solar storm. According to NASA, after a huge explosion in the Sun, energy, light and high-speed particles are traveling in space and the Earth is in their path.

However, it does not have a direct impact on humans because the Earth’s magnetic field does not allow solar storms to enter the planet. If the solar storm is very powerful, it can affect our electricity grids. It can destroy satellites deployed in low-earth orbit.

Remember that our Sun is going through its solar cycle and is in a very active phase. Because of this, flares are coming out from the Sun and due to their effect, solar storms are coming on the Earth. This process is expected to continue till the year 2025.

What is Solar Flare

When the Sun’s magnetic energy is released, the light and particles it emits create solar flares. These flares are the most powerful explosions ever seen in our solar system, releasing more energy than billions of hydrogen bombs.

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