Soil was scattered in the beautiful house, there were pits everywhere, people asked, ‘Which treasure are you digging?’


After the completion of a house, renovation is rarely done. But can digging be done in the name of renovation of someone’s house? You might say, no! But this is seen in a video. The walls and fans of the house look furnished but there is mud everywhere on the floor and pits are visible everywhere. In such a situation, it seems what is happening in this house? But in the video, the person told that actually the foundation work is going on in the house. Still, people are quite confused by this, but the video has been seen by millions of people.

The caption of the video confuses the situation more than clarifying it. The caption reads, “I feel like a mountain goat Have you ever wondered what foundation work looks like? Have you ever done foundation work?”

In the video, the camera is seen moving from one room to another. There are pits in every room and mud is visible everywhere. But is it possible that the foundation of the entire house needs to be repaired? Usually, only a part of the house needs foundation repair. But experts say that sometimes such situations can also occur.