Seema Haider Pakistani husband Ghulam Haider threatened suicide said I can not bear any more pain | Seema Haider Pakistani: Seema Haider’s Pakistani husband threatened suicide, said

Seema Haider Pakistani: The Pakistani husband of Seema Haider, who fled from Pakistan to India via Nepal, has threatened to commit suicide. Ghulam Haider said that everyone has betrayed him. This time, Ghulam Haider did not spare even those people from across the border whom he always praised. This time, Ghulam has also targeted Pakistan’s Ansar Burney Trust and its lawyer in India, Momin Malik.

Ghulam Haider has shared a video with Pakistani woman Kinza. In this, he told that Seema has reached India illegally via Nepal. Now she is living in Noida with a man named Sachin without getting married. Ghulam said, the world has come to know that Seema is a cheater but the governments of Pakistan and India do not see this. He said that the way the institutions of both the countries are ignoring him, his heart is now broken. He can take any step now.

The slave’s brain is bursting with thinking
Ghulam said that earlier people of Pakistan kept fooling him by making false promises, now its scope has increased further. Ansar Burney Trust and lawyer Momin had said that they will get the children back but it did not happen. Haider said that today the truth is that neither did I get the children nor was Seema sent to jail. Ghulam said that ‘I am tired of flattering people. I will wait for 10 days after Eid, after that I will take a big step. Ghulam said that my mind is bursting with thoughts, I feel I should commit suicide.’

Ghulam has expectations from the government
Seema’s Pakistani husband said that if Seema had to separate from me, she could have taken a divorce and gone anywhere, but she should not have run away with my children like this. Ghulam said that my children are being tortured in India and I am unable to tolerate this. Ghulam said that I am against the Shahbaz government of Pakistan, India’s Narendra Modi Government and CM yogi adityanath I hope someone will listen to me.

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