Sco Summit 2024 PM Modi is not going to Kazakhstan in SCO meeting Foreign Minister Jaishankar reached Astana

sco summit 2024 : Prime Minister Modi has backed out from the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) meeting. PM ​​Modi will not attend this meeting to be held in Kazakhstan. However, India’s Foreign Minister Dr. S Jaishankar will represent him. In this meeting, the activities of the SCO in the last 20 years will be reviewed and mutual cooperation will be discussed. Many meanings are being drawn from PM Modi’s absence.

Some believe that China’s interference is increasing in this organization, so India is keeping distance from it. This group is now becoming anti-West. At the same time, some say that Modi has not gone to it due to the Parliament session. Expert Brahma Chellaney said in an article that India’s uneasiness is about China, because China’s influence is constantly increasing in SCO. If we leave India in this organization, then the rest of the countries are China belt.

India is the only fully democratic country among the 9 countries of SCO. In the year 2001, the leaders of China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan together launched it in Shanghai. Chinese President Xi Jinping, Russian President Vladimir Putin, Pakistani PM Shahbaz Sharif have reached Kazakhstan to attend the SCO meeting.

That’s why PM Modi did not go to Kazakhstan
In the BBC report, quoting international affairs expert Sanjay Pandey, it was written that PM Modi’s engagements have increased after the formation of the new government. Last year, when India was the president of SCO, we had also organized a virtual summit. Somewhere it can be inferred from this that SCO is not India’s priority. It is also possible that PM Modi does not want to share the stage with President Xi Jinping and Pakistani PM Shahbaz Sharif.

India’s relations with both China and Pakistan have been bad for quite some time. PM Modi is going to visit Russia next week, where he will meet President Putin. It is believed that the leaders of Central Asian countries may be disappointed by PM Modi’s absence in the SCO. India’s former Foreign Secretary Kanwal Sibal has written on social media that PM Modi is not able to attend the SCO Summit due to the session in Parliament, he will compensate for this by visiting Russia in July.

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