Sanjay Singh AAP Leader Attacks BJP MPs Over Atishi Indefinite Strike For Delhi Water Crisis

Sanjay Singh on Delhi’s water crisis: Minister and Aam Aadmi Party leader Atishi is on an indefinite fast over the water crisis in Delhi. Meanwhile, AAP leader and Rajya Sabha MP Sanjay Singh has cornered the Centre and BJP on the issue of water shortage in Delhi. He also challenged the seven BJP MPs in Delhi and asked them to join Atishi’s fast.

AAP MP Sanjay Singh said, “I want to tell all the seven BJP MPs that if you have the courage, then come here and join Atishi’s indefinite protest. Fight for water for Delhi and get water from the Haryana government. Those who have become ministers at the Centre are not opening their mouths. They are not saying even a single word.”

AAP MP Sanjay Singh attacks BJP

He further said, “Seven MPs won in Delhi, but none of them is ready to speak for the people of Delhi. Comrades and friends, this is Arvind Kejriwal’s Aam Aadmi Party. You voted for us in the assembly. You have formed our government. None of our ministers and MLAs sit peacefully. None of our councillors and workers sit peacefully. If there is a talk of rights and entitlements of the people of Delhi, then we fight your battle with courage, until you get your rights.”

Atishi’s fast in Jangpura’s Bhogal

Let us tell you that the indefinite fast of Aam Aadmi Party leader and Delhi government’s Water Minister Atishi started on Friday (21 June) afternoon in Bhogal area of ​​Jangpura. Before sitting on the fast, she reached the Chief Minister’s residence and also reached Rajghat with Sunita Kejriwal, Saurabh Bhardwaj and Sanjay Singh. She offered flowers at Mahatma Gandhi’s Samadhi and then sat on the fast in Bhogal.

Atishi alleged that both Haryana and the Central government are making the people of Delhi yearn for water. The public is crying for help and the Haryana government is not giving Delhi its share of water. Therefore, an indefinite hunger strike is being started now. Atishi said that every possible effort was made to ensure that the people of Delhi get their share of water. Still, Haryana did not provide water, so now we are forced to do ‘Paani Satyagraha’.

read this also: ‘So the judge was replaced…’, AAP’s big statement amid the ban on CM Kejriwal’s release

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