Russian scientist’s strange statement on nuclear war, a letter should be sent to every person in Europe, it should be written that…

According to a political scientist, Russia is going to wipe out about 250 million Europeans with nuclear attacks. Russian professor Dmitry Evstafiev issued a statement on the country’s state-owned Rossiya 1 TV channel this week, claiming that it is inevitable that Vladimir Putin will target Europe with nuclear weapons. Interesting reactions to this were shared on X/Twitter by Anton Gerashchenko, advisor to the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Evstafiev addressed the people of Europe directly and said that they have ruined the present. He said that Russia wants to change the future of Europe, which means that there will be 20 to 25 crore dead or maimed Europe. Evstafiev claimed that this is the price of nuclear war.

Russian political scientist indicated that Paris could be a possible destination for Putin’s nuclear weapons. He said that we should openly name the European cities that will be destroyed, or the number of casualties after five or six nuclear missiles attack Paris.

Nuclear war in europe, nuclear war, Europe, Vladimir Putin, Russia ukraine war, OMG, Amazing News, Shocking News, Russia Ukraine war, Dmitry Evstafiev, US,

This statement is being seen as an aim to stop Europe’s interference in the Russia-Ukraine war. (Symbolic photo: Pixabay)

Evstafiev does not think America will be in the firing line. He said that by the way, Americans are fine, perhaps only a few clouds will be able to reach there. But according to him, unfortunately, all efforts to stimulate the minds of Europeans have failed. They feel that they should put aside their false sensibilities that there will be no European nuclear war. No, there will be. And it has to be stated directly. ,

Evstafiev’s bizarre statement coincided with the suggestion that Russia should threaten all Europeans with personalized postcards. Every European should find a postcard from them in their mailbox. A postcard stating his home, the NATO military facility, the location where the strike would take place and what was left of his home.”

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Evstafiev believes that this will make every European citizen understand that they too can die because for the last 60 years European citizens have been living in the full feeling of immortality. It is clear that the aim is to distance Europe from helping Ukraine.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news

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