Russia Ukraine War Putin final decision on July 25 preparations for nuclear attack on 16 countries


Russia-Ukraine War: After the recent NATO summit in Washington, it has been decided to surround Russia from all sides. NATO countries have already imposed strict sanctions against Russia. In such a situation, Russia is now strengthening its friendship with China. On the other hand, 32 NATO countries are busy surrounding Russia from all sides. Out of these, America, Britain, Germany and France have completely come in front of Russia.

The Russia-Ukraine war has now entered its third year, but the small country Ukraine is standing like a rock in front of Russia. Ukraine is not ready to retreat with the help of NATO countries, in such a situation Russian President Putin is completely upset. America has given F-16 fighter planes to Ukraine to fight Russia. Apart from this, America’s HIMARS rockets are wreaking havoc in Russia. Apart from this, Britain has given Storm Shadow cruise missiles to Ukraine, which are attacking from behind. At the same time, France has given Caesar cannon to Ukraine, which is challenging Russia on the front.

Putin said it was the mistake of NATO countries
After being surrounded by NATO countries, Russian President Vladimir Putin has threatened nuclear war. If Russia attacks, half the world will be destroyed. It is being speculated that Russia can launch a nuclear attack on 16 countries. Vladimir Putin said, ‘Security is our priority. Enemies are attacking our nuclear plants. We need to pay serious attention to this. The countries that are supporting Kiev are not paying attention to this. This is their biggest mistake and they will remember it.’

Putin’s close aide threatens nuclear power
Putin’s close aide Sergei Ryabkov warned NATO countries, “It is a mistake of NATO countries to underestimate Russia’s nuclear power. Western and NATO countries may make fun of Russia, but they do not realize Russia’s power.” On the other hand, Joe Biden has said that ever since Russia started brutal attacks on Ukraine, we have promised Ukrainian President Zelensky that Western countries will always stand with him. Biden said that Western countries will continue to supply weapons to Ukraine.

Russia’s nuclear weapons in active mood
Actually, Russia has occupied 20 percent of Ukraine’s territory. But meanwhile NATO countries are busy surrounding Russia from all sides. Russia has also suffered a huge loss in this war. A large number of Russian soldiers have died. On the other hand, Ukrainian soldiers and civilians have died. Seeing himself surrounded from all sides, Putin has now panicked, for the last few months he has been continuously warning of a nuclear attack. Now Putin has set the date of 25th July to take a decision regarding the nuclear attack, he has said that if the western countries do not back down, then Russia will not delay in launching a nuclear attack. Russia has already kept nuclear weapons in active mode in its missiles.

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