Rishi Sunak defeat in Britain India will benefit Keir Starmer think about India

UK General Election Results 2024: India’s son-in-law and Britain’s Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has lost the election. Not only has he lost, but he has lost miserably. This time the Labour Party has won in Britain, whose leader Keir Starmer is going to become the next Prime Minister of Britain. But the question is what happened in Britain that Rishi Sunak was made the Prime Minister with great enthusiasm, but by the end of his term, he became so unpopular that he had to face a one-sided defeat. What are the reasons for Rishi Sunak’s defeat? Did Rishi Sunak’s Hindu image and worship in temples have any negative impact on the British voters? Will Rishi Sunak’s loss of power and Keir Starmer’s coming to power have a major impact on India as well? Today we are going to discuss this issue.

Former British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak may have won his North England seat, but his Conservative Party has lost the election. How big this defeat is can be gauged from the fact that out of the total 650 seats in Britain, the Labor Party has won more than 400 seats. Rishi Sunak’s party Conservative seems to be shrinking to 111. Not only this, Liz Truss, who was the Prime Minister of Britain before Rishi Sunak, could not even save her seat. 11 ministers of Rishi Sunak have lost the election. Therefore, even before the final counting of votes was completed, Rishi Sunak held a press conference and accepted his defeat and congratulated his opponent Keir Starmer on becoming the Prime Minister of Britain.

Conservatives gave 5 prime ministers in 14 years
Meanwhile, questions are being raised as to why this happened to Rishi Sunak? The reason for this is said to be anti-incumbency and changing prime ministerial faces of the same party. Britain has been ruled by the same party for the last 14 years. And that party is Rishi Sunak’s Conservative Party. In the 14-year rule, the Conservative Party saw five prime ministers. After the elections in 2010, David Cameron of the Conservative Party became the Prime Minister of Britain. Five years later, in the 2015 elections too, the Conservatives won and Cameron again became the Prime Minister. But after a year, Cameron resigned.

The Conservatives had a big victory during the time of Boris Johnson
Because then there was an election for Brexit from the European Union and then the people of Britain decided that they would separate from the European Union. This decision was against Cameron, so he resigned. He was replaced by Theresa May. In 2019, Theresa May also had to leave and the reason for this was also the European Union and the elections there. After this, Boris Johnson replaced him and in late 2019, general elections were held in Britain under the leadership of Boris Johnson. The Prime Minister was new, so the public forgot everything and voted in large numbers for Boris Johnson and his party Conservative. Boris Johnson won 365 seats out of 650, which was 48 seats more than the last election.

Britain holds early elections
Corona came during Boris’s government and the world went into lockdown. But Boris Johnson did not follow the Corona rules. He resigned when he was criticized and then Liz Truss became the Prime Minister of Britain. But she too could remain in her post for only 50 days and then Rishi Sunak came. But by then enough atmosphere had been created against the Conservatives. Every effort of Rishi Sunak seemed to fail. The remaining task was completed by the betting scandal, in which the names of Rishi Sunak’s close associates came to the fore. Therefore, Rishi Sunak decided to hold elections before time so that anti-incumbency could be reduced, but Rishi Sunak’s decision did not work and Rishi Sunak’s entire party lost the elections and was thrown out of power.

Unemployment and inflation reached peak in Britain
The rest of the story is that since the decision of Brexit i.e. separation from the European Union in 2016, the economy of Britain has never been able to return to track. First Corona wreaked havoc and in the midst of this havoc, the liquor parties organized by Prime Minister Boris Johnson turned the entire public against the Conservatives. From inflation to unemployment, everything reached its peak in Britain. Per capita income has been continuously decreasing since 2016, the prices of grains are skyrocketing. There is a shortage of doctors in hospitals and no leader has been able to handle it since Corona. On the other hand, the number of illegal immigrants is increasing in Britain, which Rishi Sunak had promised to stop, but he failed. The result is in front of us and now Rishi Sunak is out of power.

India will not suffer any loss due to Rishi Sunak’s departure
But the question is what impact will Rishi Sunak’s departure have on India. Because Rishi Sunak was Britain’s first Hindu Prime Minister. His pictures used to go viral while he was worshipping in temples. He is the son-in-law of Indian businessman and Infosys chairman Narayan Murthy, due to which there was an atmosphere of excitement in India. But now all this is over, because now Rishi Sunak is no longer the Prime Minister. In such a situation, India has not suffered much loss, on the contrary, it has benefited.

Keir Starmer took India’s side on Article 370
The leader Keir Starmer, who defeated Rishi Sunak, belongs to the Labour Party and this is the same Labour Party which supported India’s independence during the British rule over India. But this is the same party whose leader Jeremy Corbyn had given a statement on Kashmir in 2019 when Article 370 was abolished. Then the Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn had said that a humanitarian crisis has arisen in Kashmir, although at the same time another leader of the same Labour Party Keir Starmer had said that Kashmir is a mutual issue between India and Pakistan. But by then things had worsened. India had also registered its protest. But in the meantime the Labour Party itself changed.

India has great expectations from Keir Starmer
Jeremy Corbyn, who made statements against Kashmir, left and was replaced by India supporter Keir Starmer and now he is going to become the Prime Minister. In such a situation, it is expected that Britain’s relations with India will become even stronger, because Keir has been talking about improving relations with India even before. Now more than 10 MPs in his government are of Indian origin. In such a situation, Rishi Sunak was seen making many promises in favor of free trade agreement, work permit, visa and in favor of India, perhaps Keir Starmer can implement those promises. This is in favor of India.

Read this also: Keir Starmer Profile: Who is Keir Starmer, fond of music, football, leader of Labour Party can become Prime Minister of Britain

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