Rajasthan: Former Rajasthan BJP President said- Gehlot made development in crime and corruption, we will change the picture – Rajasthan Election: Former BJP President Satish Poonia Said- Ashok Gehlot Development In Crime And Corruption

Rajasthan Election: Former BJP President Satish Poonia said- Ashok Gehlot development in crime and corruption

Rajasthan Election:Dr Satish Punia
– Photo: Amar Ujala/Rahul Bisht


To know on which issues the BJP has staked in Rajasthan and what plans it has for the development of the state in case the government is formed, Amar Ujala.com spoke to former Rajasthan BJP President, Deputy Leader of Opposition in the Assembly, Amer Assembly. Had a detailed conversation with Dr. Satish Poonia, MLA and current candidate from the seat. Here are the main excerpts from the conversation-

Question- The people of Rajasthan are going to give their decision in the next 24 hours. What would you say on this?

Answer- very good thing. We all eagerly wait for this moment in democracy. I have full confidence that the public will give an opportunity to the development of Rajasthan by voting for BJP, so that this state can get a new identity. The public wants freedom from the way the Ashok Gehlot government has promoted crime, corruption and communal violence in Rajasthan in the last five years. I think the time has come when the public will send such corrupt leaders and government home and vote to form the BJP government for development.

Question- Congress claims that it has brought unprecedented development in Rajasthan. What will you say?

Answer- We have seen how the future of the youth has been ruined by leaking papers in Rajasthan in the last five years. We have seen how the ministers and MLAs of the Congress government have openly committed loot and corruption, but Ashok Gehlot kept silence on all these crimes only to save his government. Our mothers and sisters have continuously seen how daughters were raped here, they were burnt alive in furnaces, but the Chief Minister did not lose sleep. The public has seen how the government appeased Muslims and Hindus have been continuously humiliated. I think no one in Rajasthan would want to give another chance to such a government. The departure of Ashok Gehlot government is certain. There is no doubt in this.

Question: But Congress’s claim is that it has brought development.

Answer- As I said earlier, Ashok Gehlot government has brought development only in crime and corruption. You look at the figures, during Vasundhara Raje Scindia’s government we built ten times more roads, hospitals and colleges than during the Gehlot government. It was we who connected far-flung areas of Rajasthan with roads. Congress has no right to talk about development.

Question- You did not declare any face for the post of Chief Minister in the elections. Don’t you think that this created confusion among the public and BJP workers. Can you be harmed by this?

Answer- There may be confusion in the media regarding this, but there is no confusion of any kind among the public and workers. Prime Minister Narendra Modi is the biggest face of our development. His credibility among the public is still at the highest level. We have contested the elections on his face and we believe that till date there is no bigger face of development than him in the country. There is no deadlock in this matter even among the party leaders. Who will lead Rajasthan will be decided by our elected representatives and the top leadership of the party after the elections.

Question- You are calling Prime Minister Modi the biggest face of development, but at the same time senior Congress leaders have made objectionable comments on him. What will you say?

Answer- It is unfortunate that Congress is continuously forgetting political decorum. She is continuously insulting the Prime Minister by using the lowest words. Not only small leaders of Congress, even big leaders like Rahul Gandhi are continuously insulting the Prime Minister. I think the people of India will never accept such words for their most popular Prime Minister. Only the public will punish Congress for this indecency and will give it severe punishment.

Question- If BJP wins the assembly elections, what plan do you have for the development of Rajasthan?

Answer- I personally believe that there are endless possibilities for development in Rajasthan. There are dozens of large areas of minerals here, which can be exploited to bring the state to the forefront in terms of development. By providing better infrastructure and other facilities for the tourism sector of the state, more tourists, both domestic and international, can be attracted to the state. With this, youth will get work in every area of ​​Rajasthan. By promoting the art-culture, handloom and textile industries here, work and economic progress can be provided to every hand. But all this will be possible only when there is peace and security in the state. Therefore, the biggest priority of BJP will be to strengthen the security in the state, so that domestic and foreign investors can be brought to Rajasthan and its image can be improved.

Question- 24 hours are left for voting, what will you appeal to the public?

Answer- I would only appeal to the public that they must vote tomorrow. First vote and then do anything else. While casting your vote, keep in mind who can advance the development of the state and who can provide happiness, peace and security in the state.

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