Pm In Barmer: Modi said- Press the lotus button as if you are hanging him; Important points of PM’s speech in Baytu – Rajasthan Election 2023 PM Narendra Modi in Barmer Important Points of Modi Meeting in Barmer Baytu

Rajasthan Election 2023 PM Narendra Modi In Barmer Important points of Modi meeting in Barmer Baytu

PM Modi fiercely attacked Gehlot government.
– Photo: Amar Ujala


PM In Barmer: Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed a public meeting in Baytu assembly of Barmer district on Wednesday. During the speech, PM Modi fiercely attacked the Gehlot government. Modi’s speech focused on corruption, law and order, women’s safety, Lal Diary. Appealing to the people, the PM said – Punish the corrupt, pressing the lotus button is as if you are hanging them.

Big points of PM Modi’s speech…

congressmen eat commission

I send money to Jal Jeevan Mission from Delhi, but these Congress people are habitually helpless and eat commission in that too. Congress people do business of earning money and doing corruption even in a noble cause like water.

It was difficult for mothers and sisters to leave their homes.

On this sacred land of Dalibai, one’s life is put at stake for the honor of mothers and sisters. In this way, Congress has brought Rajasthan to the forefront in atrocities against women. It is difficult for our mothers and sisters to leave the house, even innocent girls are not safe. Allegations are leveled against relatives of Congress MLAs. Congress MLAs openly make statements against women. When the Chief Minister is such that he declares the crimes against women as fake, then the morale of the oppressors increases. When a Congress minister advocates crime against women in the Assembly by calling Rajasthan a man’s state, then the criminals get emboldened. You have insulted the masculinity, bravery of Rajasthan and the brave men who got their heads cut off for the honor of women.

could not celebrate the festival peacefully

In the last 5 years, you people have not been able to celebrate any Teej festival peacefully in Rajasthan. Sometimes riots, sometimes stone pelting and sometimes curfew, this has been the picture of Congress in the last five years. Therefore, it is very important to remove Congress from here.

Congress’s appeasement policy

Why does the courage of terrorists, bullies and rioters increase wherever Congress comes? The answer is- Congress’s appeasement policy. Congress is taking Rajasthan in that direction. Where the culture and tradition of Rajasthan will be in danger. BJP is necessary in the state to protect the culture of Rajasthan.

The pages of the red diary came out

These people call Lal Diary fake, but now its pages have started coming out. Now not even a single Congressman should win? If any Congress candidate comes, ask him what is the matter of Lal Diary, whose it is.

gold is not made from potatoes

Looted goods are visible in the lockers. Piles of money and gold are being found in lockers in Rajasthan. This gold is not made from potatoes. Otherwise they will go and say that we have made it from potatoes. Action should be taken against such lockers and people involved in corruption. The public should take the first action. On the day of voting, you press the lotus button as if you are hanging them.

we enter the house and believe

When there were terrorist attacks during the Congress government, these people used to go abroad and ask for help, saying that we have been attacked. But, we kill terrorists by entering their houses.

This is the power of your vote

To ensure that no person in the country sleeps hungry, we opened a grain store. Gave free food grains to 80 crore Indians. When Modi gave free grains, he blessed you, you will also get its reward because you voted for Modi in the Lok Sabha elections. It’s all the power of your vote.

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