Operation Silkyara: The machine is not able to cross…the workers trapped in the tunnel will themselves become rowers, considering two plans – Uttarkashi Tunnel Rescue Auger Drill Machine Stopped Nine Meters Before Target

Uttarkashi Tunnel Rescue Auger Drill machine stopped nine meters before target

Auger machine stopped before target
– Photo: Amar Ujala


The American auger machine started after 24 hours on Friday evening to rescue 41 laborers trapped in the Silkyara tunnel of Uttarkashi, but after moving 1.5 meters forward, it stopped nine meters short of the target due to an iron barrier. After this, the work of cutting and removing the obstructions started, but thoughts also started as to why the trapped workers should get the nine meters of debris removed from the inside. The second idea going on is to start removing garbage manually instead of using auger machines.

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The auger machine had stopped working due to the shaking of the base at 4 pm on Thursday. After about 24 hours of repairs etc., when the machine started running on Friday the 13th at around 4:30 pm, hopes were rekindled. But after some time the rescue teams got a shock again.

General Manager of NHIDCL, Colonel Deepak Patil said that at around 6:40 pm, the work stopped again due to an iron obstruction in the path of the machine. So far only about 47 meters of pipe has been able to reach the debris.

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