Newborns recognize people’s faces in different ways, take help from their mother’s smell, research reveals!


It is true that newborn babies take time to understand their surroundings. But in everyday life we ​​are unable to understand this. We think that the child is looking at us, trying to recognize us. Or trying to understand by listening. But this does not happen from the beginning. A team of scientists has made a new discovery that babies are able to see faces due to their mother’s smell. This discovery is being considered quite surprising.

Researchers from several institutions conducted a study to understand how infants use their mothers’ scent to recognize faces. The results of the study are interesting and never heard before. It has been found that this special ability of the infant improves a lot between four and 12 months.

Older infants are able to use primarily visual information to understand faces. “I have a long-standing interest in how sensory perception works in the human brain,” said Dr. Arnaud Leleu, Associate Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience at the Center for Taste, Smell and Feeding Sciences (CSGA) at the Université de Bourgogne.

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Scientists say that the way the brain receives signals in this case is different in newborn babies. (Symbolic picture: Shutterstock)

“Visual perception is a complex neurological ability that results from previous experience with multiple stimuli from all senses at the same time.” Dr. Leleu conducted research to investigate how the development of visual perception through smell is shaped in the infant brain.

In the study, it was found that the ability to recognize faces by looking at them increases with the smell of the mother. However, this ability decreases as the infant grows older and begins to efficiently recognize faces based only on visual cues.

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While the exchange of signals between the brain and the organs is important for infants to learn such small things as understanding sights, understanding sounds, etc., the initial contact is even more important. It also serves as a foundation for the later development of abilities such as memory, language and conceptual reasoning.

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