New Lok Sabha First Session Prepared Strong Ground For Government And Opposition Battle Of Saving Constitution – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live

New Lok Sabha First Session prepared strong ground for government and opposition battle for saving constitution

PM Modi and Rahul Gandhi
– Photo : Sansad TV


The battle of Save Constitution vs Emergency has prepared a strong ground for confrontation between the government and the opposition in the very first session of the new Lok Sabha. Its impact is certain to be felt on the remaining four working days of the current session. The government has also made its intentions clear by raising the Emergency issue with full force in response to the strategy of the Congress-led India Alliance to continue the Save Constitution campaign after the general elections. In fact, the Congress-led opposition wants to further strengthen the concept of threat to the Constitution, which proved to be a profitable deal in the general elections, in the future.

During the session, the Save Constitution March and the oath taking by each member of the India Block with a copy of the Constitution are part of this strategy. By demanding the election of the Speaker and the post of Deputy Speaker, the opposition was strengthening the notion that the government is not on the path laid down by the Constitution.

The government showed its attitude by making a triple attack on the emergency

In response to the strategy of India Block, the government made a triple attack on the Emergency to corner the Congress. On Wednesday, the Lok Sabha Speaker presented a censure motion against the Emergency. On Wednesday, the President and the Vice President called it an attack on the Constitution and a dark chapter of democracy. By doing this, the government wants to make the non-Congress parties in the India Block uncomfortable. Apart from this, it wants to send a message to the country that the Congress itself caused the most damage to the Constitution.

PM will give reply on 2nd in Lok Sabha and on 3rd in Rajya Sabha

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will respond to the discussion in the Lok Sabha on July 2 and in the Rajya Sabha on July 3.

Cloud of danger looms over the last four working days

There are now four working days left in the current session. During this time, the motion of thanks presented on the President’s address will be discussed in both the houses. The strategy of the opposition will be to keep the alleged imminent threat to the Constitution at the center of its speech during the discussion. On the other hand, the government will try to corner the Congress on the constitutional front.

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