‘NATO trembled…’, Putin gifted a car to Kim Jong, drove the car himself sitting with him, people made such comments

Recently, there was a stir in global politics when two powerful politicians of the world shook hands with each other. Russian President Vladimir Putin visited North Korea and there he met North Korea’s leader Kim Jong. On this occasion, Putin gifted Kim a luxury car named Aurus. This Russian car also helps in protecting from many types of attacks. But the most historic moment was seen when Kim and Putin (Putin Kim Jong in car viral video) rode in that car together. The video went viral on social media, and there was a flood of reactions from people.

Recently a video has been posted on Instagram account @borderaffairs.in, in which Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean ruler Kim Jong Un are seen sitting together in a car (Putin drive car with Kim Jong video). Putin is driving this car. Both are also seen laughing and talking together.

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