Myanmar Deputy PM U Than Shwe met Indian Foreign Minister S Jaishankar in New Delhi amid boarder encroachment of China

Myanmar Civil War: The ruling army junta is now on the verge of defeat in the long-running civil war in Myanmar. The rebels have captured almost the entire area from the Chinese border to the Indian border. In such a situation, thousands of Myanmar people have been forced to take refuge in India. Meanwhile, smuggling of weapons and drugs from Myanmar has also increased. China is strengthening its hold during this civil war going on in Myanmar.

China is currently supplying arms to both the ruling junta army and the rebels in Myanmar. On the other hand, India is helping the military junta. Now India’s Foreign Minister S Jaishankar has come out openly on this issue.

India’s Foreign Minister S Jaishankar met Myanmar’s Deputy PM Than Shwe in New Delhi on Wednesday. During this, he expressed deep concern over the heavy violence and instability in Myanmar. The Foreign Minister warned Than Shwe about smuggling of arms and drugs from Myanmar to India. This is the first time since the military rule came to power in Myanmar in February 2021, that India has openly made public its meeting with a senior Myanmar leader. After the military coup in Myanmar, Western countries have imposed many strict sanctions on Myanmar.

What did S Jaishankar say to Myanmar’s Deputy PM?
S Jaishankar posted on X and wrote, “Myanmar’s Deputy PM U Than Shwe was passing through New Delhi today, during which I met him. We had an in-depth discussion on the ongoing violence and instability in Myanmar bordering our border. India is ready to work together with Myanmar to deal with this crisis. I warned Than Shwe about illegal drugs, weapons and human trafficking. Along with this, I also sought cooperation for the early return of Indian citizens trapped in Myawaddy. Apart from this, I demanded security for our projects going on in Myanmar. Urged Myanmar to move away from military rule and come on the path of democratic change. India is ready to help Myanmar in every way.”

Military rule in Myanmar confined to central region
In fact, the military junta in Myanmar has been facing a crushing defeat for the last few months. The rebel groups are running ‘Operation 102’, under which they have captured all the foreign trade routes of Myanmar. The rebel groups have captured hundreds of military bases of the Myanmar Army. In such a situation, the military rule is confined to the central region of the country. In April, the rebels moved towards the Sittwe port, which is being built by India. During this time, India had to stop work here and called back its diplomats.

China is active in Myanmar
Myanmar’s rebel groups are now inciting violence in the areas bordering India, which is a matter of concern for India. There are also reports that an armed group from Myanmar is smuggling weapons into Manipur. Also, this group is committing online fraud while staying in Myanmar. These people are luring the people of India with the promise of jobs and trapping them in their clutches and getting cyber fraud done. S Jaishankar has appealed for help in freeing these Indians from the rebel group. India is not taking any such step at this time which will benefit China, because China is very active in Myanmar at this time.

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