MPPSC Exam 2021 Result Jabalpur shirish pyasi got 12th position in second attempt ANN

MPPSC Exam 2021 Result: Shirish Pyaasi of Jabalpur has waved the flag of success in the Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission (MPPSC) State Service Examination 2021. Shirish Pyaasi has secured 12th position in the merit. After the declaration of results, Shirish will now become a Deputy Collector.

There is an atmosphere of happiness in the family due to the achievement of Shirish, son of Rajendra Pyaasi, a retired teacher of Saraswati Shishu Mandir. Shirish says that he got success in the second attempt. He has given the credit of his success to his parents and teachers. By studying the syllabus well, he secured 12th position in the state.

Shirish’s resolve is to help the people standing at the bottom of the society. He told that along with the teachers, he also got support from his family. The family taught him to fight in difficult situations. Father Rajendra Pyaasi and mother Indulata Pyaasi are very happy on their son’s success. Elder sister Saumya Pyaasi’s happiness knows no bounds. The family is proud of their son’s success. Mother Indulata says that she was surprised to see her son’s interest in studies. The son gave up his hobby and focused only on preparation.

Jabalpur’s son secured 12th position in MPPSC exam

Its result is in front of everyone today. The father is also very happy with his son’s achievement. Rajendra Pyaasi says that his son’s hard work paid off. In a conversation with ABP Live, Shirish shared tips for success. He told that despite failing in 2020, he did not get disappointed. He again appeared for the Madhya Pradesh Public Service Commission exam the next year. Shirish could not clear the Mains exam in the first attempt. In the second attempt, he secured 12th position. He also took the help of coaching for preparation. In 2019, from the last year of mechanical engineering, he was determined to join the civil services.

Shirish got the support of his teachers as well as his family. They taught him to fight against all circumstances. Father Rajendra Pyaasi, mother Indulata Pyaasi and elder sister Saumya Pyaasi are very happy with their son’s success. Shirish’s mother Indulata says that she was surprised to see her son’s interest in studies. Her son gave up all his hobbies and focused only on studies. Her father is also very happy with his son’s achievement. He says that his son’s hard work paid off.

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