MP Budget 2024 Singrauli gives highest revenue to MP Expect Employment Scheme and Airport ANN

MP Budget 2024: Every common man of Singrauli district, the energy capital of Vindhya region, has high hopes from the budget to be presented in the Madhya Pradesh assembly. Although Singrauli district gives the state government the second highest revenue after Indore, but this area of ​​the energy capital is still suffering from backwardness.

The people of this area have high expectations from the budget. Anjani Pandey, a native of Khajuri village in Singrauli district, says that exactly 36 years ago, the agricultural land here was acquired to build an airport. During this time, land of many villages was acquired.

Anjani Pandey says that 36 years have passed, but the dream of an airport is unfulfilled. He said that the runway has been built in 36 years, now the government is expected to make a budget provision to convert the runway into an airport.

Large number of migrants migrated for employment
There is a need to prepare an action plan to increase employment opportunities along with educational quality in Singrauli district. Villagers have to migrate due to lack of employment.

One has to leave his village, home, family and go to other places. This problem is especially there in districts like UrjaDhani. If employment oriented training starts in villages, many youths can start their own business and employment.

The youth made this demand
The biggest pain of the youth of Rishi Shringi’s Tapobhoomi Singrauli is that many claims are made at the government level regarding employment, but every time after the budget, only disappointment is found. The youth demanded that the government should make provision for new schemes for the youth in the budget.

Starting employment related schemes will curb migration. It is normal to make provision for populist announcements in the budget, but it would be better if this provision is not made keeping the vote bank in mind.

MP government is burdened with debt
The Mohan Yadav government of Madhya Pradesh is drowned in huge debt. The government needs to take huge loans to run the free schemes.

The increasing debt of Madhya Pradesh may someday stop the salaries of the government employees there. The reason for this is that one-eighth of the total budget of Madhya Pradesh is spent on loans and installments.

(Report by Devendra Pandey from Singrauli)

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