Malawi late vice president Saulos Chilima convoy vehicle killed four people and 12 injured

Malawi Plane Crash : On June 10, the Vice President of the South-East African country Malawi died in a plane crash. Now a major accident occurred in the convoy carrying his body for the funeral. Here a car crushed the crowd. Due to which at least 4 people died, while 12 were injured. According to the police, people were mourning after the death of Vice President Saulos Chilima. Meanwhile, a vehicle crushed some of the mourning people.

Chilima’s funeral was to be held on Monday in his native village Nsipe, 180 km from the capital Lilongwe, but this accident happened before that. In this, 2 men and 2 women walking on foot were crushed by a vehicle. At the same time, 12 people have also been seriously injured. Let us tell you that on June 10, Malawi’s Vice President Saulos Chilima died in a plane crash. 9 other people were also killed along with him. The military plane crashed in Malawi’s Chikangwa forest in dense fog, the wreckage of which was found on Tuesday.

There was an attempt to stop the procession, during which the accident happened
According to the AFP report, police said that 12 other people were injured. Thousands of people were standing on the roads to get a glimpse of the Vice President. An eyewitness said that the vehicle entered the crowd while trying to get away from the crowd. Felix Njawala, spokesperson of Chilima’s party, said that there was tension at some places on the route, as the mourners wanted the procession to be stopped so that they could see the coffin. At the same time, thousands of people were queuing on the roads in the Vice President’s native village for the last darshan. While trying to save the crowd on one side, the vehicle ran over the crowd on the other side. Felix said that in Dedza, people blocked the road and started demanding a last glimpse of the Vice President, some people also pelted stones at the convoy on the spot.

The plane accident happened on June 10
AFP wrote in its report, in Dedza, people blocked the road and demanded to see the coffin. When the convoy stopped, people calmed down and the convoy could move forward. In some cases, people also pelted stones at the convoy. They asked people to maintain peace. At the same time, the party has also demanded an investigation into the plane crash. This accident happened on June 10 due to dense fog. In which Malawi’s Vice President Saulos Chilima and 9 other people were also killed.

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