Madhubani News some youths molested a calf by giving it an injection of intoxicants ann

Bihar News: In Madhubani, some drug addicts gang-raped a calf on Wednesday night by injecting it with drugs. After the incident, the calf started bleeding and fainted. After the incident, when the local people saw the calf, they took it to the local cattle doctor for treatment. According to the information received, the calf is still struggling between life and death. Meanwhile, police station in-charge Dhananjay Kumar said that the investigation of the case is going on. Further action will be taken after the report comes.

Police engaged in investigation

On Wednesday night, some drug addicts gang raped a female calf in Yogiya village of Ladniya police station area. As soon as the local police station got the information, ASI Yashwant Singh reached the spot with the police force and investigated the matter seriously. According to the information received, some drug addicts of the village have committed this incident. After the incident, the female calf started bleeding and fainted. After this, all the criminals ran away.

At the same time, after seeing the calf soaked in blood, the local people took it to the local cattle doctor for treatment and started its treatment.

Local people gave information

Local people say that around the incident spot, there is a large scale illegal trade of drugs and needles including alcohol, ganja, opium, hashish and brown sugar. While police check post has been set up near Yogiya Chowk and SSB jawans have been deployed on Indo-Nepal border. Despite this, the business of smuggling of alcohol and drugs continues fearlessly. Meanwhile, in this case, SHO Dhananjay Kumar said that the investigation of the case is going on. Further action will be taken after the investigation report comes.

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