Loudspeaker In Masjids: Why noise in the name of religion? This person in Pakistan raised questions on loudspeakers installed in mosques and then…

Loudspeaker In Masjids : The issue of installing loudspeakers in religious places is not only discussed in India but also in Pakistan. Now the video of Syed Mohammad Shabbar Zaidi, former chairman of the Federal Board of Revenue of Pakistan, is going viral. In which he called the installation of loudspeakers in mosques unnecessary. While talking to a Pakistani YouTuber, Zaidi said that it is not the way to give Azan so loudly that someone’s head shakes. He also questioned why do you try to interfere in someone’s relationship with Allah. 

My whole head shook…
In the video, he was also seen mentioning the incident that happened with him. He said, I was just coming, the sound of Azaan was so loud that my whole head shook. Which I did not like. This video of Shabbar Zaidi is becoming quite viral on social media. Users are also making various comments on it. It is not that Zaidi is in the news for the first time, he has given such statements before this as well. Zaidi has often been criticizing religious people in Pakistan. Zaidi said that the power in the hands of clerics in Pakistan has proved to be harmful. Let us tell you that Zaidi has been the 26th Chairman of the Federal Board of Revenue of Pakistan from May 2019 to April 2020.

Pakistan does not have people like Manmohan…
At the same time, Zaidi was seen praising India several times in the video. He praised the leaders by comparing India and Pakistan. Zaidi said, Pakistan did not have leaders like Manmohan Singh. If such people were here, Pakistan would have been very strong today. He said that in 1992, the situation of India and Pakistan was the same. India has reached where it is today, but Pakistan is still at the same place, because India had people like Manmohan Singh. Let us tell you that Zaidi’s ancestors went to Pakistan from Delhi. He has also said that if his ancestors had stayed in Delhi itself, they would have progressed more.

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