Latest study says jackfruit flour can lower blood sugar and reverse fatty liver disease – Amar Ujala Hindi News Live


Diabetes is one of the fastest growing serious chronic diseases worldwide. According to the data of the year 2021, more than 537 million people are victims of this disease. Diabetes also brings with it many other diseases like eye-kidney problems, nerve disorders and liver problems like fatty liver. Health experts say that to avoid these problems, it is important to keep the blood sugar level under control, and to keep blood sugar under control, it is important that both your routine and diet are right.

There has been a long discussion on what to eat to control diabetes. Related to this in March 2022 Study report published in Amar Ujala It was told that if jackfruit flour is included in the diet, then it can be very beneficial in controlling sugar. In the course of the study, scientists have now claimed that jackfruit flour not only provides benefits in diabetes, but it can also be beneficial in curing the problem of fatty liver.

It is noteworthy that recently during a program at the Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences in New Delhi, Union Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh made a shocking statement The data was presentedThe Union Minister said that every third person in the country may suffer from fatty liver disease. The risk of this disease, which is caused by diabetes and other metabolic disorders, is seen increasing rapidly even in those who do not drink alcohol.

Scientists say that by making this small change in diet, you can reduce the risk of serious health problems to a great extent.

March 2022 Report- This flour is very beneficial in type-2 diabetes, it can control sugar level in just a week

Evidence of green jackfruit flour’s benefits for diabetes

In a previous study, scientists had said that using green jackfruit flour can greatly benefit type-2 diabetes patients. Jackfruit flour was found to be very effective in reducing plasma sugar levels and controlling glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in diabetic patients. Increase in glycosylated hemoglobin is considered a sign of diabetes.

A recent study at the American Diabetes Association conference, after four years of clinical trials on patented green jackfruit flour that controls type-2 diabetes, has also shown it to be effective in preventing fatty liver and obesity.

Talking to Amar Ujala, James Joseph, one of the researchers and founder of a company that makes green jackfruit flour, says, “The results of this study have been very good. By making a small change in the diet, we can target three health problems simultaneously.”

Benefits are also found in obesity and fatty liver

Evidence of this study has been presented at the American Society for Nutrition (ASN) conference. This study has been conducted under the leadership of Dr. Divya P. Kumar, Professor and Scientist, Department of Biochemistry, JSS Medical College, Mysore. This research conducted on rats has shown that consumption of green jackfruit flour for three months not only prevents the increase in body weight to a great extent, but it is also effective in reducing the problem of fat accumulation in the liver.

In the research report, Dr. Divya said, it has also been seen that insulin sensitivity has improved as compared to the placebo group with wheat flour. It can also significantly reduce inflammation and lipogenesis markers.

There are many benefits of jackfruit flour

In the research paper, Dr. Divya says, based on the study, two important information has come to light.

1. Green jackfruit flour not only reduces calorie intake but it can also prevent three serious problems like diabetes, obesity and fatty liver.

2. Green jackfruit flour contains 5.6% soluble fiber which makes it quite beneficial. This is 50% more fiber than the fiber available in oats.

Researcher Dr. Divya says, preclinical studies show that green jackfruit flour has properties to improve metabolic health and reduce factors that damage the liver. The clinical results of green jackfruit flour done in collaboration with hepatologists and endocrinologists at JSS Hospital are encouraging for me. We are further working on research to find out the metabolic and molecular changes caused by jackfruit flour.

Better results have been seen in humans too, how much flour should be eaten?

To know how effective the results of this study conducted on rats are on humans, Dr. Vinod Abichandani, a diabetes and endocrine specialist in Ahmedabad, also conducted clinical observations on more than 200 patients. Better results of green jackfruit flour were seen on humans as well.

Dr Vinod says, I have recommended jackfruit flour to at least 200 of my patients suffering from diabetes. It has been found to have phenomenal improvements in HbA1c, obesity, fatty liver and serum triglycerides. It is very encouraging to see this preclinical study presented at the American Society for Nutrition Conference, which also confirms the results seen in my clinic for the last three years. Including it in the diet has indeed been found to have better results. This one change can provide special benefits in reducing the problem of obesity and increasing fatty liver along with diabetes.

Experts say that it is easy to include it in the diet. Add one tablespoon of jackfruit flour to the flour (wheat or other) you take in every meal. A person is advised to consume three tablespoons (about 30 grams) of jackfruit flour throughout the day.