Kuwait Fire Accident 24 gas cylinders many paper cardboard and plastic were kept on the ground floor probe into building fire

Kuwait Fire Accident : A major negligence has come to light in the fire incident in Kuwait. 45 people from India lost their lives in the fire here. Kuwaiti officials said that out of the 49 dead, 45 have been identified as Indians, while three people are citizens of the Philippines. One body has not been identified yet. The report said that more than 24 gas cylinders, paper, cardboard and plastic along with many inflammable things were kept on the ground floor of the 7-storey building. According to the report of The Indian Express, the roof was locked, due to which the workers could not escape. The survivors of this accident gave information about the entire incident later.

Many people could not escape because they were locked
The main cause of this fire incident appears to be a short circuit on the ground floor, but the biggest negligence was that the rooms were locked. Survivors of this accident said that more than 24 gas cylinders were kept, due to which the fire increased even more. There were many inflammable substances kept here, due to which the fire spread rapidly. Cardboard, paper and plastic were used to divide the crowded rooms, where more than 12 people were living in every room of the building. The fire spread rapidly and smoke filled all the rooms of the building. Surprisingly, the building was locked, due to which the people trapped in the fire could not get out. People present on the upper floor tried to go to the roof, but due to the door being closed, the workers got trapped in the fire.

Building code was also violated
According to the report, the building was modified from inside to create more space and the building code in Kuwait was violated. This also caused difficulties for the fire brigade personnel who came to extinguish the fire. This was considered to be the worst fire in residential buildings in Kuwait. After this incident, the concerned authority has started taking action against such landlords.

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