Kota to Rawatbhata Chambal Area Beavers become tourist attraction Rajasthan Wildlife Animals ANN

Kota News Today: The spectacular natural scenery of Chambal spread from Rawatbhata to Kota and the surrounding areas in Rajasthan attracts people. On the other hand, the wild animals, birds and aquatic creatures here also give a feeling of joy.

The beauty of nature can be estimated by seeing the picturesque scenery here. Many kinds of fishes, crocodiles, alligators, turtles, cranes, ducks and many other aquatic animals are found in Chambal.

These days the antics of the otters are thrilling people here. Sometimes they are seen with their families and sometimes they are seen hunting fish and disappear at the slightest sound.

‘Mother Charmanyavati is creating a new world in her lap’
These days a family of otters is seen near the submersible bridge in Rawatbhata. It is also called Jal Manush. Nature promoter and wildlife photographer Hanif Zaidi says that he has seen so many otters after a long time.

The beautiful world of otters is being created in the valleys of Chambal. Hanif Zaidi tells that the otters, included in the category of rare animals, are very clever and equally courageous.

By fighting the floods, he has not only kept himself but also his existence alive. He is making his home in the safe lap of Maa Charmanvati. He is building a new world and hunting there every day.

Beavers are making permanent shelter
The otters that have made Chambal their home are thriving in the safe lap of mother Charmanvati. The antics of the otters can be seen at the submersible bridge site built on the Chambal river in Rawatbhata.

Wildlife lovers get excited seeing them hunting fish. The highest number of otters is found in Kota Chambal.

According to experts, about 40 otters are living with their families from Rawatbhata to Kota. They like the climate here so much that they have made a permanent home here and are continuously breeding and increasing their population.

Beavers are brave and familial creatures
Research scholar Harshit says that otters are as brave as they are family oriented. They live in groups.

More than 8 thousand otters live in the upstream of Chambal from Bhitaria Kund to Hanging Bridge and around Gardia Mahadev.

There are 6 to 8 members in their family. If any member of the otter gets lost, they search for him by calling out. They are bound by the bond of trust and unity.

When any danger befalls a family member, the entire family unites to deal with it and everyone rushes together to help.

Otters get trapped in fishermen’s nets
To protect the otters, it is necessary to stop illegal fishing. Hundreds of people catch fish illegally in Chambal and even cast nets at night.

In such a situation, otters also get trapped in their nets while looking for food. The government should stop illegal fishing.

Otters attack when they see danger
It is believed that they attack humans on seeing them, but they are alert about the safety of their children and they feel that someone will kill their children.

Therefore, when something comes close, they attack as other wild animals do. These creatures are very intelligent and agile.

In these areas there were large numbers
Otters are good swimmers and hunt in groups. Nature promoter AH Zaidi says that in 1998, there were a large number of otters from Jawahar Sagar, Javra, Eklingpura including Kota Barrage to Ranapratap Sagar.

In the 70s, otters were also seen in the Chambal region. Otters are comfortable in both water and land. Their length is about one meter. Fish is their main diet.

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