Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu angry at his own army calls IDF decision rejecting

Benjamin Netanyahu: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday became angry over a decision of his own army IDF. According to this decision, IDF had stopped the war for 11 hours to provide aid to Palestine, IDF has called it a strategic pause. Netanyahu got angry after hearing this decision of the army. According to news agency Reuters, when the Israeli PM came to know about the 11-hour ceasefire, he told his military secretary that this is unacceptable. It is being told that Netanyahu was not informed before taking this decision.

On the other hand, the Israeli army has clarified that the military operation will continue in the city of Rafah in southern Gaza, where 8 soldiers were killed in an explosion on Saturday. After Netanyahu’s statement expressing displeasure over the decision to provide humanitarian aid, it has become clear that political tensions continue at the global level, while many international organizations have warned of a humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

National Security Minister expressed strong opposition
Apart from this, Benjamin Netanyahu’s far-right coalition partners have strongly opposed this decision of the IDF. Radical leader and National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, who is part of the coalition government, has criticized the strategic ceasefire. He said, ‘Whoever has taken such a decision is a fool, such a person should be fired from the job.’ In fact, the opposition between the coalition partners in the government and the army is increasing. The controversy has also increased over the law regarding the recruitment of ultra-Orthodox Jews in the army.

Opposition and support to the recruitment of conservatives into the army
Some parties in the coalition have opposed the recruitment of ultra-Orthodox people in the army, which has angered many Israelis. Israel’s army chief Lieutenant General Herzi Halevi has also supported the recruitment of Orthodox. On Sunday, he said, the ultra-Orthodox community is growing rapidly, there is a ‘definite need’ to recruit them in the army. Let us tell you that military service is compulsory for everyone in Israel, but for some years ultra-Orthodox Jews have been exempted from it.

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