Israeli forces strap wounded Palestinian on military jeep during Jenin raid IDF will investigate

Israeli Soldiers Tie Injured Palestinians: A video of the Israeli army is going viral, in which an injured Palestinian youth is seen tied in front of a jeep. In the video, the Israeli army vehicle was seen passing between two ambulances. The man has been identified as Mujahid Azmi, a Palestinian resident. However, on this matter, the army admitted that the soldiers had violated the rules.

According to the report, this video is from Saturday, June 21, when Israeli army personnel raided the West Bank city of Jenin for arrest. During this, army personnel were seen roaming around with an injured Palestinian man tied to a military jeep.

Israeli army admitted its mistake

The Israeli army said in a statement on Sunday that it had tied an injured Palestinian man to a military jeep during a raid in the occupied West Bank city of Jenin. However, the army admitted that the soldiers had violated the rules. In which a Jenin resident is shown tied to the bonnet of a military jeep, which is passing through a narrow street. The army said that the Palestinian was injured during an “anti-terrorism operation” launched to capture wanted suspects.

IDF ordered an investigation into the incident

The Israeli army said that a suspect was injured during the firing between soldiers and terrorists, who has been captured. He said that in violation of orders, the suspect was tied on top of a vehicle and taken away by the security forces. On this, the army said that the incident will be investigated and action will be taken accordingly. It also said that the injured person has been transferred to the Palestinian Red Crescent for treatment.

Jenin has long been a stronghold of Palestinian groups and Israeli forces regularly raid the town and nearby refugee camps.

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