Israel Hamas War What Is The Past Of Palestinian Prisoners Why Were They Imprisoned

Palestinian Prisoners in Israeli Jail: A four-day ceasefire has come into effect between Israel and Hamas. Qatar and Egypt have helped in completing this agreement. According to Qatar’s Foreign Ministry, the hostages will be released today at 4 pm (local time). The hostages will be handed over to the Red Cross on behalf of Hamas.

In exchange for the release of the hostages, Hamas has asked for the return of those Palestinians who are in Israeli jails. Israel has also released a list of 300 Palestinians to be released, although only 150 of these will be released. Most of the Palestinians in Israeli jails are between 14 and 18 years of age. Among the captured Palestinians, 274 are men.

‘Bad treatment of Palestinians in Israeli jail’

Al-Jazeera has claimed that imprisoned Palestinians are treated badly in Israeli prisons. Many prisoners are treated like animals and many are even physically abused. In an interview with BBC Arabic Service, a spokesman for the Palestinian Prisoners Club said that the families of Palestinian prisoners are eagerly waiting for them.

What is the allegation?

Many allegations have been leveled against the Palestinians who have been imprisoned by Israel. The list of prisoners made public by Israel is not accused of killing any Israeli civilian or soldiers. They are accused of stone pelting, making or throwing bombs, attempt to murder and causing grievous bodily harm.

‘They are sent to jail without trial’

In Israel, there are rules for administrative detention without any trial, under this rule most Palestinians have been sent to jail. Under this rule the accused does not get the facility of any lawyer.

According to the Israeli Army, administrative detention can be held indefinitely, only a renewal order has to be passed against the accused every 6 years. According to the United Nations report, every year Israel sends about 500 to 700 Palestinian minors to jail under administrative detention.

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