Israel Hamas War What Is Mosad And How Its Work Mosad Departments


Israel Intelligence Agency Mosad: Recently, the Palestinian group Hamas carried out severe attacks on Israeli soil. Terrorists fired about 5000 rockets from Gaza onto Israeli soil. Apart from this, Hamas fighters entered Israeli cities and entered houses and killed many people, while abducting many others. Hundreds of people were killed in these attacks, which were the deadliest attack on Israeli soil since the 1973 Yom Kippur War. This attack raised questions on the functioning of Israel’s two famous intelligence agencies, Shin Bet and Mossad.

The attack by Hamas was seen as a major mistake by both the security agencies. But it is not so. If you look at the history before this attack, you will know how strong Israel’s intelligence agency is and how it works.

first understand mossad

Israel has three intelligence organizations. They are responsible for the security of the country. In this, an agency named Aman collects intelligence information of the army. Shin Bet is responsible for Israel’s internal security. At the same time, the third and largest agency is Mossad. Mossad is recognized as an agency which is capable of killing its enemies at their bases.

The job of Mossad is to gather foreign intelligence. This information has to be analyzed and secret operations have to be carried out. Mossad was established in December 1949 as a coordination institution. Mossad’s annual budget is $3 billion. 7,000 staff work in it. Mossad is the second largest spy agency in the West after the CIA.

How does Mossad work?

Mossad identifies any enemy before eliminating him. There are also several steps to identify targets for assassination. The agency collects every small and big information related to the target. After this, its agents deployed outside start the work of eliminating him. After this it is planned how to destroy the enemy. Once the special unit of Mossad collects all the information about its target and prepares the file, it is sent to the head of the ‘Intelligence Service Committee’. The chiefs of Israeli intelligence organizations are kept in this committee. These are also called VARASH.

VARASH only discusses the operation and works to give inputs on it. It does not have the right to give official approval to any operation. Here let us tell you that only the Israeli PM has the authority to approve it. As soon as the approval is received from the PM, Mossad starts its operation.

After this comes Caesarea Unit. Caesarea is an undercover operational branch of Mossad. Its agents are deployed all over the world. This unit was established in the early 1970s. The job of this team is to collect information regarding the target and keep an eye on it. After this, there are some professional killers in this team who are expert in killing their enemy and running away.

After all the things are decided, the time comes to kill the enemy. Many special agents of Caesarea Unit are experts in this work. He kills them and leaves quietly. No one is aware of this.

These are some important departments of Mossad

There are many departments in Mossad. The information of some departments is confidential, among which the information is not available, the collection department is the main one. It is the largest division of the Mossad, which is responsible for espionage operations around the world. This Political Action and Liaison Department conducts political activities and works with friendly foreign intelligence services and countries with which Israel does not have formal diplomatic relations.

After this comes the name of Special Operations Division. It is also known as Metsada. Its job is to conduct highly sensitive assassinations, sabotage, paramilitary and psychological warfare operations.

Another important department of the Mossad is the LAP (Lohama Psychologit). It is an expert in psychological warfare, propaganda and deceiving the enemy. The job of Mossad’s research department is to gather intelligence. After this, IT department is also important. Its work develops advanced technology to support Mossad operations.

What kind of briefing takes place in the morning?

Mossad agents are spread all over the world. All of them together gather intelligence. It contains every kind of information. Whether it is related to the country or to another country in the world. After this, senior Mossad officers create a file and share this information with the Israel Defense Force. So that he can take appropriate action in matters related to the defense of the country. This briefing happens from time to time in the morning.

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