Israel Hamas War Mass Grave Is Being Dug For 170 Dead Bodies Inside Gaza Al Shifa Hospital

Israel Palestine Attack: Amid the Israel-Hamas war, hundreds of people, including children, died due to lack of adequate treatment in Gaza’s Al-Shifa hospital. According to BBC report, a mass grave is being prepared inside the hospital courtyard for the burial of 170 dead bodies. 30 dead bodies have been buried in the same grave.

Burying a dead body is a risky task

According to the report, burying dead bodies there is also a risky task because there are tanks around the hospital. Even going from one building to another is dangerous.

Till a day ago, tanks were deployed on three sides of the hospital, whereas since last night tanks have been deployed on all four sides of the hospital. The hospital is not even able to talk directly to Israeli officials. The hospital staff wants a third party to intervene in this matter and fuel for electricity should be made available in the hospital.

Severe shortage of fuel in hospital

According to the report of news agency AP, surgery on war injured patients, including children, is being done without anesthesia for several weeks in Al-Shifa Hospital. Vinegar is being used here as an antiseptic.

According to the report, Gaza’s Health Ministry had said that on Saturday (November 11), the emergency generator at the hospital had run out of fuel. Due to this, 32 patients including three small children died.

bombing around the hospital

Al Shifa Hospital is considered the lifeline of Gaza. The Israeli army is continuously bombarding the area around this hospital.

According to the Gaza Health Ministry, more than 11,000 Palestinians have been killed since the war began. In which most of the children and women are included. According to the ministry, 2700 people are missing. Seven Palestinians were killed in clashes with Israeli forces in the Tulkarem refugee camp in the West Bank on Tuesday (February 14).

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