Islam or Hindu People of which religion are least educated Pew Research report revealed

Islam-Hindu Education: The Pew Research Center has presented educational data of people around the world. According to this, Jews are more educated than any other major religious group across the world, while Muslims and Hindus have the least schooling. This research has also revealed that there is a huge disparity in the average education between religious groups. According to the report, the level of schooling (5.6 years) of Muslims and Hindus around the world is the same.

The study says that the level of education also depends on the part of the world where the people of the respective religion live. Most of the world’s Jews live in the United States and Israel, both of these countries are economically developed. In such a situation, the educational level of Jews is higher than that of other religions. The educational level of Hindus is also low because 98% of Hindu adults live in developing countries like India, Nepal and Bangladesh.

More Hindu men are educated than Muslims
Based on censuses and surveys in 151 countries, Pew Research has shown that there is also a huge difference in the level of education between women and men. The average schooling of Muslim women around the world is 4.9 years, while for Muslim men it is 6.4 years. Hindu women have particularly less schooling than Muslims, who have an average of 4.2 years of schooling, while Hindu men have more than Muslim men, at 6.9 years. Overall, the average schooling of Hindus and Muslims is the same, at 5.6 years.

Hindus and Muslims are rising rapidly in terms of education
Pew Research has also claimed that in recent years there has been a big improvement in the schooling level of Hindu and Muslim women. Thus, the schooling of women and men has almost reached parity. The report also revealed that the educational level of Hindus and Muslims born after 1985 has increased rapidly. During this period, the educational level of Christians has increased less rapidly than that of Hindus and Muslims. Currently, according to Pew’s data, the educational level of Hindus and Muslims is the lowest in comparison to other religions.

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