indore Aghori Baba dreams of becoming Ardhanarishwar gets gender change surgery done ann

Indore Aghori Baba News: A 27-year-old Aghori Baba, a resident of Kedarnath in Indore, got his gender changed after dreaming of becoming ‘Ardhanarishwar’. Baba got his gender changed from male to female at Bhandari Hospital in Indore.

This surgery to change from male to female lasted for five hours and was done by Dr. Ashwin Das, plastic cosmetic and reconstructive surgeon of Bhandari Hospital. The Aghori sadhu was in constant touch with the Indore hospital for a long time and his primary surgery was done in Chennai. According to the doctors, Baba’s gender change surgery was successful.

had left the family
This Sadhu Baba is from South India and belongs to a Brahmin family. Sources say that he left his family years ago and is living the life of a Sadhu in Kedarnath, Uttarakhand. He reached Indore from Uttarakhand on Wednesday and was admitted to the hospital on Thursday.

Aadhaar and PAN card updated
It has also come to light that some time ago, some male organs were removed from her body during a gender change surgery in Chennai. On returning to Indore after the surgery, she got all the necessary certificates made and updated her Aadhaar and PAN card.

Baba’s car is also amazing
Aghori Baba’s car also gives his identity exactly. There are many skulls placed on the front dashboard of Baba’s car. There are stickers all over the car on which he himself is seen sitting with Lord Shiva. Danger is written on the glasses of Baba’s car.

There is also a photo of him on the car in which he is seen doing meditation. Instead of the number plate on Baba’s car, it says Aghori Naga Sadhu.

There is also a trident on the front bonnet of the car. In the photo on the bonnet, he is seen sitting on the lap of Lord Shiva. Ardhanarishwar is written on the top of the front glass.

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