Indian Army Contingent Departs For Multinational Military Exercise Khan Quest Indian Army will show strength near China border


Indian Army Khan Quest : China, which has a crooked eye on India, will now be shocked, because the Indian Army will show its strength just 1000 kilometers from the Chinese border. For this, the team also left for the multinational military exercise Khan Quest on Thursday. This war exercise will be held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia from 27 July to 9 August. The purpose of this war exercise is to cooperate and enhance the capabilities of the armies of the world. This exercise Khan Quest was also held last year. America also participated in the program organized in Mongolia from 19 June to 2 July 2023. This war exercise first started in 2003 under a bilateral program between the US and Mongolian Armed Forces. Since 2006, it became a multinational peace exercise. Now armies of many countries participate in it.

This is the main objective of practicing Khan Quest
The main objective of this war exercise is to prepare Indian forces for peace missions, so that it can help in increasing military readiness under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter. Training will be given in this on physical fitness, how to plan etc. Establishment of mobile check posts, cordon and search operations, patrolling, evacuation of civilians from terrorist areas, countering explosive devices, first aid and evacuation of the injured, all these will be taught.

Women officers are also among the army personnel
A 40-member Indian Army team comprising mainly soldiers from a battalion of Madras Regiment and soldiers from other armies has left. The team will also include a woman officer and two women soldiers. India and Mongolia have strong defence ties and joint working group meetings on defence keep taking place between the two countries. India and Mongolia also conduct bilateral Nomadic Elephant military exercises between their armies. The 16th bilateral Nomadic Elephant military exercise was recently conducted in Meghalaya.