India made 8 new nuclear bombs in the last one year Pakistan lagged behind India in terms of number of nuclear bombs

Nuclear Power of India: There is a race going on in the whole world to make nuclear bombs. In this regard, India has once again left Pakistan behind. SIPRI, an organization that keeps an eye on nuclear bombs around the world, has presented the latest data of nuclear bombs around the world, according to which India now has a total of 172 nuclear bombs. Till now Pakistan has only 170 bombs. In the last one year, India has made 8 new nuclear bombs, whereas Pakistan has not made any new nuclear bomb.

SIPRI said that all the 9 nuclear capable countries of the world have modernized their weapons. These countries have also deployed new nuclear weapons. India’s biggest enemy China has made 90 new nuclear bombs in the last one year, China’s nuclear bombs have increased from 410 to 500. According to the latest data of SIPRI, America, Russia, France, Britain, China, Pakistan, India, North Korea and Israel have rapidly modernized nuclear weapons last year.

The world’s 2100 nuclear bombs are on high alert
According to the data of the year 2024, there are currently 12,121 nuclear bombs around the world, out of which 9,585 nuclear bombs are kept in military stockpiles, which can be used when needed. Apart from this, 3904 nuclear bombs have been deployed in fighter planes and missiles. 2100 nuclear bombs have been kept on high alert mode in missiles around the world. Russia and America have kept the most nuclear bombs on alert, while now China has also kept 24 nuclear bombs on alert mode. China has done this when there is tension with America over Taiwan.

Russia and America have 90 percent nuclear bombs
According to the latest estimates, the number of nuclear bombs around the world has decreased because old bombs are being destroyed and new ones are being manufactured. SIPRI has expressed concern over keeping nuclear bombs on alert mode, and said that this trend may continue in the coming years. SIPRI said that India, Pakistan and North Korea are working on the technology of deploying several nuclear bombs on a single missile. America, Russia, Britain and China have already been doing this. In such a situation, the number of nuclear bombs deployed in fighter planes and missiles is increasing. At present, America and Russia have 90 percent of the total nuclear bombs in the world.

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