IND vs SA Tomorrow Weather Forecast: Threat to T20 World Cup final, what is the probability of rain in the next 24 hours, will the match happen or not?

New Delhi. India has booked its berth in the T20 World Cup final by defeating England. India’s final match is against South Africa. This match is to be held in Bridgetown, the capital of Barbados. It is raining almost every day in the West Indies. Due to this, many matches of the T20 World Cup were cancelled. The India vs England match was also affected due to rain.

What is the chance of rain in the final?
Cricket lovers’ eyes are now set on Barbados, where the title battle is to be held between India and South Africa a day later. According to the Meteorological Department, there is a possibility of rain in Barbados on Saturday as well. This possibility has been expressed up to 78%, while clouds will remain throughout the day.

Has a reserve day been kept for the final?
Yes, a reserve day has been kept for the final. If the match is not played on Saturday due to rain then it will be played on Sunday. The ICC has kept an extra time of 3 hours and 10 minutes for this match.

If it rains on both days then who will become the champion?
If there is heavy rain on both Saturday and Sunday and the match is cancelled, then the trophy will be shared between India and South Africa. That is, both teams will be declared joint winners.

FIRST PUBLISHED : June 28, 2024, 12:43 IST

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