In this village of Rajasthan, a bear is scaring people like a ghost, people are trembling with fear!

Pali/Hemant Lalwani: Hey, how can a ghost be less than a bear! We are saying this because a bear has created terror in Sojat town of Pali district of Rajasthan. Everyone in this village is scared for the last few days. A wild bear has fatally attacked 3 people in the last two days on the way from Bhaisana village near Sojat to Dudod. The fear of the bear is so much that people are not even going to the fields. However, the forest department team has set up a cage. A team of experts from Jodhpur also came to Bhaisana, but the bear was not seen even once. In such a situation, continuous efforts are being made to catch the bear.

The bear caused terror
In this atmosphere of terror, the bear has attacked the people of this village many times. Two days ago, the bear attacked Prem Devi, Bhanwar Singh and Shambhunath. Due to which they got injured in many places. Out of these, Prem Devi had to be admitted to the hospital. While Shambhunath and Bhanwar Singh were treated in the hospital.

Will be caught by putting a cage
The forest department team is making continuous efforts to catch the bear as soon as possible. After the continuous incidents of bear attacks, the forest department team has put up a cage here. Bansi Lal, who tranquilized the bear from Jodhpur, also arrived with the team, but the bear was not seen throughout the day. However, the team of forest guards Bhanwarlal Om Prakash Mukesh Kumar and Pushpendra Singh are present on the spot. Efforts are also being made to find the bear by looking at its footprints.

Officials are unable to see the bear
Manoj Kumar of Forest Department Sojat says that the Forest Department is taking the incidents of bear attacks seriously. A cage has been installed. A rescue team from Jodhpur came for 2 days, but the bear was not seen again. Then the team left. The team is trying to catch the bear as soon as possible.

Tags: Local18, Rajasthan news

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