If you have blue eyes, then you have relatives in every corner of the world! Interesting claim made in research…

Although the body structure of humans is similar, some are tall, some are short and some are fat and thin. There can be another special reason for difference between humans and that is the color of people’s eyes. Some have black-brown eyes and some have blue eyes. Blue eyes look quite different in appearance but now a research related to them has been done, which is shocking.

An expert has spoken out on social media about the theory that says that all blue-eyed people around the world are descendants of a single person. According to a research conducted at the University of Copenhagen, all the blue-eyed people in the world are related to each other. Research has suggested that they are related to each other.

Blue-eyed people are descendants of the same person.
According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, 10 thousand years ago everyone on earth had brown eyes. Now 70-80 percent people have brown eyes, while 8-10 percent have blue eyes and 2 percent have green eyes. According to the report of LadBible, a user named @daveallambymd on the social media platform TikTok has revealed that all blue-eyed people are related to each other. This person lived near the Black Sea 6 thousand to 10 thousand years ago.

Why do eyes turn blue?
Blue eyes are caused by a mutation in a gene called OCA2. It determines the melanin i.e. color in the eyes. Doctor Allami has told that due to chromosome 15 in the man’s genes, his brown eyes turned blue. In such a situation, all the people who have blue eyes are related to the same person. In this way, 70 crore blue-eyed people present in the world are relatives of each other. After hearing this, people expressed surprise and started joking that he had crores of relatives.

Tags: Awesome Awesome, Viral news, Weird news

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