If we can see the Moon and the Sun then why not other planets? What is the reason behind this, know interesting facts

We can easily see the Sun and Moon from Earth. We see these two planets every day. But why are other planets not visible to us? Whereas the distance of the Sun from the Earth is much greater. Approximately 151.40 million kilometers, yet it is visible to us, whereas the planets that are very close to the Earth are not visible to us with the naked eye. The same question was asked on the online platform Quora. Let us know the correct answer under the Strange Knowledge Series.

The Sun is very huge in size, that is why despite being so far away, we can see it with our naked eyes. The Moon is not very huge in size but because it is closest to the Earth, it can be easily seen. In comparison to these, other planets like Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn etc. are located at a much greater distance, which require special equipment to see. However, according to a report by campliveoakfl.com, apart from the Sun and the Moon, you can also see the 5 planets Mercury, Mars, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter with the naked eye. But for this you will have to go to a particular place and at a particular time. Since these planets themselves never produce light. When sunlight falls on them they are visible to us. That too can be seen only at a particular place and from a particular angle. According to old Greek stories, it is possible to see these planets but not at the same time.

Sunrise and sunset important
First of all let’s talk about planet Mercury. Because this planet is closest to the Sun. Generally, this is where most of the sunlight falls, so it should be easy to see. But it is not so. When Mercury is 10 degrees above the horizon. So you can see it both at sunrise and sunset. For this, one will have to go to the Northern Hemisphere between April and May and wait for the evening. All 11 months except June, Venus is visible in the west during the evening and in the east during the morning. But it is not easy to recognize it. Mars is present in the completely opposite direction of the Sun. You can see it any time.

See Jupiter-Saturn this way
According to the report, one will have to wait for the dark night to see Jupiter. In the month of June, when Venus is not visible in much sunlight, the planet Jupiter becomes clearly visible. Saturn can be seen without a telescope between May and July. It can be seen in the opposite direction after sunset. Because Saturn comes from the east and goes to the west.

Tags: amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Shocking news, space knowledge, Space Science, trending news, Weird news

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