How did Jabalpur’s Sohanlal Dwivedi become ‘Bonsai Man’? Know the story of his passion for the environment

MP News: The story of the man famous as ‘Bonsai Man’ in Jabalpur city is inspiring. A 70-year-old man has created the biggest collection of Bonsai in the country with the savings of his entire life. After 40 years of hard work, a forest of Bonsai has now been created. Planting a Bonsai plant in the house keeps the air clean. Sohanlal Dwivedi, retired from the electricity department, has dedicated his entire life to the environment.

For the past 40 years, Sohanlal has been growing different species of Bonsai plants in his house. There are more than 40 species of 2500 Bonsai plants in his house. He claims that he has the largest Bonsai collection in the country.

He told that he got the inspiration to plant bonsai from a woman from Mumbai. The woman from Mumbai has planted 250 bonsai on the roof of her house. After reading the news published in the newspaper, his curiosity to know more increased. He went to the Bonsai Club in Delhi and got information.

How did a 70 year old man become ‘Bonsai Man’?

After that, Bonsai became his passion. Sohanlal has dedicated his life as well as his earnings to the environment. Sohanlal’s collection includes Bonsai plants of many ornamental plants including sweet lime, orange, banyan, peepal, plum, cactus, lemon, jade. Today, there are 2500 Bonsai of 40 types on his roof and nearby plot. He has prepared all the Bonsai himself. He also gifts Bonsai plants to people from time to time.

It is a story of passion for the environment

Sohanlal says that Bonsai trees are small in appearance but work like big trees. Bonsai plants keep the environment clean by absorbing carbon dioxide. He claims to have the largest collection of Bonsai trees in the country. Sohanlal is soon preparing to get it registered in the Limca Book of Records. Sohanlal also works to make people aware about the environment. He believes that if we want to save nature, then every person must contribute. Along with going to Bonsai exhibitions, Sohanlal also gives training to prepare plants.

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