Here money is sold like vegetables, people sell it in bundles, this is called the market of notes!

Whichever city you go to, you will find markets from where you can buy goods according to your need. You just need to have money to buy those goods. But have you ever seen a market of notes? Where bundles of crisp and crisp notes are sold? Surely, you must be surprised to know about this. You must be thinking that how is it possible that the market is set up to sell the money with which everything can be bought. But in this video you can clearly see that the market of rupees is set up openly, which is of Bangladesh. People call it the market of notes.

This viral video has been shared on Instagram by a boy named Harsh Rai, in which he is showing the entire market. In the video, it can be seen that dozens of tables are placed in the middle of the market, on which bundles of notes are kept. People are sitting to sell these bundles of notes. Old people reach there and take those crisp notes from the shop owner. Now you must be wondering what these notes are used for, so let us tell you that these are available in exchange for your old torn notes. Although this video is from Bangladesh, but in many places in India too, new notes are available in exchange for such old torn notes.

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