‘Heart’ was to be written in the science paper, the boy opened up his whole heart, but the teacher’s comment is crazy!


If we remember school-college days, there are different types of students here. You will see some students studying diligently in every lecture, while there are some students who study less but get good marks. After this, there are some students who neither want to study nor do they have any regrets about it. Such students do such things even in the exams that the teacher gets shocked.

Currently, a copy of one such student is going viral. In the examination, the boy was given the task to make a diagram of the heart, but he has written the condition of his heart along with it. The comment given by the teacher after reading it is even more interesting than this copy.

Didn’t want to make such a ‘heart’, brother!
The Instagram account @_memes_connection is a page for sharing funny videos. Funny memes are shared on this. A video was posted on this, in which the answer sheet of a child (funny answersheet) is going viral. Now it is not clear whether this answer sheet is fake or real, but it is very interesting. The boy has not only made a diagram of a heart, he has also written the names of girls inside the heart.