Hajj Yatra 2024 One thousand Hajj pilgrims died due to heat stroke in Saudi Arabia they have gone to Mecca without permit

Hajj Yatra 2024 Death : A big revelation has come out in the case of death of people who went on Haj in Saudi Arabia due to heat. So far more than 1000 pilgrims have died, out of which about 90 are Indians. The reason for the death of these people is believed to be extreme heat and heat wave. The temperature in Mecca is above 50 degrees Celsius, pilgrims there are suffering from heat stroke, but now a big revelation has come out regarding this. Many countries have revealed that most of the people who died during Haj were those who had come to Saudi Arabia months ago on tourist visa or travel visa. The highest number of people who died are from Egypt.

walked in the hot sun
The Tunisian Foreign Ministry said that all the people who died from its country had reached Saudi Arabia through tourism, visit or Umrah visa. They did not have official Hajj permit. Jordan’s Foreign Ministry has also said the same thing. It said, all the people from Jordan who died or went missing did not go to Hajj officially. Jordan further said that the people here had gone to Saudi Arabia bypassing the official process of Hajj. There, people who went officially got many kinds of facilities. But these people were left on their own. Many people covered long distances on foot in the sun. They crossed unpaved roads, which were not suitable for pedestrians, so they died due to extreme heat and many people fell ill. A large number of those who died are elderly. On Monday, the temperature in Mecca had reached 51.8 degrees Celsius. This year 18 lakh people have reached Saudi Arabia.

58 Pakistanis also died
An Arab diplomat told AFP that the main cause of death among Egyptian pilgrims is heat, which causes high blood pressure and other problems. A diplomat told AFP that 58 people from Pakistan have died so far.

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