Greater Noida authority OSD fine of Rs 50 thousand for finding dirt ann

Greater Noida News: In Greater Noida, a special campaign is being run by the Public Health Department to maintain the cleanliness system. Under this, OSD Santosh Kumar of the authority took stock of Sectors 2 and 3 of Greater Noida on Tuesday. During this period, dirt was found at many places, after which he reprimanded the health department team. A fine of Rs 50,000 was also imposed on a firm for finding dirt.

Greater Noida Authority CEO NG Ravi Kumar has formed a team under the leadership of OSD Health Santosh Kumar to inspect the cleanliness system of villages and sectors. Senior manager of the health department, Chetram Singh, has also been included in this team. On Tuesday, this team reached different areas of Greater Noida West for investigation, where heaps of garbage and chaos were seen at many places.

Expressed displeasure on finding heap of garbage
First of all, the health department team reached Char Murti Chowk where they checked the cleanliness system and saw the entire system till Tigri roundabout. Meanwhile, heaps of garbage were found at many places, on which he also sternly reprimanded the team. OSD reprimanded the responsible contractors on phone and instructed them to get the cleaning done immediately and also warned of strict action if they did not do so.

Greater Noida News: 50 thousand fine for finding pile of garbage in front of house in Greater Noida, filth found at many places

During the inspection, when the team reached Sector 3, they found a pile of CMndi lying in front of a house, on which OSD Santosh Kumar expressed his displeasure and also gave instructions to get it cleaned as soon as possible. He imposed a fine of Rs 50 thousand on the concerned firm Rise Eleven.

During this, Santosh Kumar said that such surprise inspections regarding cleanliness will continue in Greater Noida. The concerned agencies have been instructed to maintain the cleanliness of the area. Any kind of negligence will not be tolerated in this matter. He said that this campaign will continue in future also. If dirt is found anywhere, action will be taken.

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