Gorakhpur News Police resolved young man murder mystery and arrested 4 people include lover ann

Gorakhpur News: Police has solved the mystery of the body of a young man found in a pond 11 days ago in Gorakhpur. The man who was in love with a married woman had to face a horrific result. He was also blackmailing her with photos and videos of his girlfriend. The young man who left home on his girlfriend’s call to go to Bangalore was killed by his girlfriend and her family members by hitting him with a stick and the body was thrown in the pond. When the police identified the body, the links started getting connected layer by layer and the girlfriend’s horrifying move in the lover’s murder mystery was revealed. Police arrested four people including the accused girlfriend and sent them to jail.

Gorakhpur SSP Dr. Gaurav Grover on Sunday in the Police Lines auditorium exposed the mystery of the murder of the body found in the pond of Failhawa Ghat in Chiluatal police station area on June 19. He told that on June 19, there was information about the body of a young man in the pond near Failhawa Ghat and due to lack of identification, the body was sent to the mortuary house. Where after 72 hours, the post-mortem of the body was done and the body was cremated as per the rules. Pamphlets were printed and circulated for identification of the body, after seeing which, the body was identified as Sintu Kumar son of Ramsurat Nishad, resident of Belpar alias Gurunagar in Chiluatal police station area.

Girlfriend conspired and called me to meet
SSP Dr. Gaurav Grover said that the deceased’s father told the police that his son used to work in Chennai. He was having an affair with a married woman of Chiluatal police station area. On June 14, he left home saying that he was going to Bangalore. He did not reach Bangalore. His son had been threatened with death several times by the girlfriend’s family. He told that he is completely sure that those people have called his son and killed him.

Police investigation revealed that the deceased had gone to meet his girlfriend Priyanka Nishad of Rohua village of Chiluatal police station area at her maternal home in Jungle Dumri No. 2 Tola Pokhara of Gulriha police station area. Priyanka had called him there as part of a conspiracy. Because the deceased Sintu Kumar also kept some of her photos and videos and was blackmailing her. There, as part of a conspiracy, he was strangled to death and killed by hitting with a stick and his body was thrown into Failhawa pond. Girlfriend Priyanka Nishad called him and Priyanka’s nephew Ramnevas alias Brijendra Nishad, a resident of Rohua village, with whom she also had a love affair, and her other relatives Akash Kumar, Shiv Kumar were arrested by the police.

The stick used in the crime was recovered
With the help of the police team and surveillance team, the incident was successfully uncovered and the stick used in the incident, the deceased’s bag, purse, clothes and Aadhar card were recovered from the girlfriend’s house (parent’s house). The police registered a case against the accused under sections 302, 201 of the IPC and recovered the stick used in the murder and sent the accused to jail. Gulriha Inspector Shashi Bhushan Rai and his team played an important role in solving the murder mystery of this sensational murder.

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