‘Golden Owl’ was finally found… The whole country was searching for it for 31 years, now it came out from under the ground: treasure hunter finally unearthed Golden Owl after 31 years in France bizarre news


If an owl is seen then it is believed that happiness is going to come to the house. It is considered the vehicle of Mother Lakshmi. But a golden owl was being searched for in France for the last 31 years. The whole of France was trying to find that owl. Excavation was going on everywhere. Now the gold has been taken out by digging the owl out of the ground. Along with this, it has been announced that now do not try to search for owls anywhere. He has been found.

According to the BBC report, on Thursday, a person named Michelle Baker wrote on the Discord forum, we officially confirm that the Golden Owl has been found. It was dug out from under the ground. Therefore now it is futile to dig at any place. Don’t look for this treasure anywhere. However, this post does not mention where the owl was found and who discovered it. An attempt was also made to talk to Michelle Baker, but could not be contacted.

golden owl as reward
In fact, Max Valentine, a French novelist, hid a brass replica of the golden owl in a secret location on April 23, 1993. He had told the way to reach the owl in his novel. For this he had given 11 riddles. These included some maths questions, some word games and some history topics. It was announced that a golden owl will be given as a reward to the person who finds the owl and brings it back. When Max Valentine died in 2009, Michelle Baker took over the responsibility of this campaign.

There was a secret message hidden in the owl
Since then the whole of France was searching for this treasure. People used to dig in front and behind their houses. Used to go and dig in the forests, so that the Golden Owl could be found somewhere. Such people are called cheaters. The special thing is that there was a secret message hidden inside this owl. It was said that whoever finds it will have to show this secret message. Many people became so crazy that they wasted half their lives searching for the owl. Ever since its discovery came to light, people have been surprised. Want to see a glimpse of it. One user wrote, now there is relief. Some users are raising questions that perhaps it might have been found with a metal detector.

Tags: Amazing news, Bizarre news, OMG News, Weird news