Ghazipur police arrested two members of inter district thief gang ann

UP News: Ghazipur police today arrested two members of an inter-district gang of thieves. The arrested thieves Nirahua Hindustani and Sudhir Bind are residents of Sadar Kotwali area and used to commit thefts in various parts of the district. Thefts were increasing continuously in many areas of the city and the police was constantly being criticized for this. The SP is now claiming that thefts have been curbed after their arrest.

The police have also recovered stolen items from the arrested thieves. The police have recovered a stolen laptop, charger, gold chain, a mobile phone and LED TV. Sadar Kotwali police and SWAT team have arrested these two thieves from near Kanshiram Colony of Sadar Kotwali area. The arrested thieves Nirahua Hindustani and Sudhir Bind are residents of Husainpur and Sakra villages of Sadar Kotwali area.

Many thefts within 15 days

SP Omvir Singh said in a press conference that in the last fifteen days, many thefts had taken place in the Sadar Kotwali area. Due to these incidents, the police was constantly looking for the thieves and today, based on the information of the informer, the Kotwali police arrested them with the help of the SWAT-Surveillance team.

Many more names came up in the investigation

Many stolen items have been recovered from them. Their arrest has led to the disclosure of many theft cases and this will now curb the incidents of theft. During interrogation of them, names of some more people have also come to light and they too will be arrested soon.

After arresting two members of the inter-district gang of thieves, Ghazipur police started interrogation so that the names of the other people involved in the gang could also be revealed and the police succeeded in this plan. During interrogation, the police got information about the names of some more people. Regarding which the police is preparing to take action and the police says that the rest of the people will also be arrested very soon.

(Report by Ashutosh Tripathi)

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