G7 summit Decisions taken for economic sanctions against China India friend Russia got a big blow

G7 summit: On the second day of the G7 summit, the world’s 7 big countries have taken a big decision against China. Two resolutions have been approved against China, exposing China’s devious tactics. The US, Britain, France, Germany, Japan, Italy and Canada, which are part of the G-7, have also promised to impose sanctions against those Chinese institutions that have helped Russia evade sanctions and transported oil fraudulently.

The G7 countries have also agreed that strict sanctions will be imposed on those Chinese companies that have helped Russia against Ukraine. The G7 countries will take major action against those Chinese institutions, especially those that have played an important role in supplying weapons to Russia against Ukraine. The G7 leaders said in a joint statement that strict economic sanctions will be imposed on the institutions and individuals of those third countries that will help Russia against Ukraine. Such people will be banned from the financial systems of the G7 countries.

Shock to Russia through China
The G-7 countries have also resolved to take action against China’s unfair trade activities. During this, emphasis was also laid on reducing the trade deficit with China. Along with this, China has been warned to refrain from affecting the supply through export control. The G7 countries have termed unilateral export restrictions on minerals used in the manufacture of chips and electronics as unfair. The G-7 countries have talked about protecting their businesses from China’s devious moves and balancing trade with China.

PM Modi also attended G7
The Prime Minister of Italy is hosting the G7 summit this time. The western powers are against Russia from the beginning. In such a situation, an attempt is being made to give a shock to Russia through China. There was a detailed discussion on the Russia-Ukraine war and the Israel-Hamas war in the summit. Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi He has also attended the G7 summit as a special guest.

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